

Cookies made easy!

Nowadays, a lot of websites are using cookies. They set, get or delete their cookies sometimes with an heavy jQuery plugin, or sometimes with some noobie home-made scripts...

Here is our solution: A really lightweight vanilla JS Module to handle your cookies.

It is called Z-cookies, and here is how it works :

This is a module design pattern. When added to your application, nothing more than calling its methodes is required

Get Method

With this method, you will be able to get the browser cookies data:

Get a specific cookie

var myCookie = ZCookies.get("numberOne");
// myCookie = "foo"

Get multiple cookies

var myCookies = ZCookies.get("numberOne", "numberTwo");
//  myCookies = {"numberOne": "foo", "numberTwo" : "bar"}

Get all the cookies as an object

var myCookies = ZCookies.get();
// myCookies = {"numberOne": "foo", "numberTwo" : "bar"}

Set / Update

Here if the cookie already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it is created.

ZCookies.set("numberThree", "Hello, World!");

Expiration date

Instead of providing some ununderstandable timestamps, we chose an easyer solution : providing a simple object with the days, mins and/or hours set. You can also provide a number if you just need to set the expiration date in term of days.

It will be automatically converted so that the browser understands well what you meant.

ZCookies.set("numberFour", "Where is bryan?", {days: 1, hours: 12, mins: 30});
//Or you can just set the usefull values.
ZCookies.set("numberFive", "Where is bryan?", {days: 1, mins: 30});
ZCookies.set("numberSix", "Where is bryan?", 2);


To delete a cookie, you just have to provide its name:

// now numberThree cookie does not exist anymore.


You can chain ZCookies set and delete methodes.

The get method can be added at the end of the chain, it is meant to return a value.

ZCookies.set("Chaining", "Is")
	.set("A", "realy")
	.set("Awesome", "Feature")
// {"Chaining": "Is", "Awesome": "Feature"}


Set cookies

Set Cookie 1
Set Cookie 2

Get cookies

Get all Cookies
Get the Cookie 1
Get the Cookie 2

Delete Cookies

Delete the Cookie 1
Delete the Cookie 2


z-cookies.js (3ko) z-cookies.min.js (1ko)


Z-Cookies on GitHub Z-Cookies on npm